How Social Enterprises are Shaping a Better Future: Highlights from the 14th Social Business Day in Manila

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July 30, 2024
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How Social Enterprises are Shaping a Better Future: Highlights from the 14th Social Business Day in Manila

How Social Enterprises are Shaping a Better Future: Highlights from the 14th Social Business Day in Manila

On June 27-28, 2024, the vibrant city of Manila became the backdrop for a gathering of change-makers at the 14th Social Business Day. Hosted by the Yunus Centre and the Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF), the event brought together social entrepreneurs, leaders, and advocates from various fields to share ideas and inspire action toward building a more just and sustainable world.

Shifting Towards Purpose-Driven Businesses

This year’s theme, "Social Business: An Exit Route from the Current Self-Destructive Civilisation," couldn’t have been more timely. As we face growing challenges like climate change, inequality, and unsustainable practices, the need for businesses that prioritize people and the planet has never been clearer. The discussions at the conference were not just about identifying these issues but about exploring practical ways that social enterprises can lead the charge in creating solutions.

The conversations were rich with real-world examples of how social businesses are making a tangible difference. The energy in the room was palpable as attendees discussed how these purpose-driven enterprises could transform our economic systems to be more ethical and sustainable.

Spotlight on the Philippines' Social Business Ecosystem

One of the standout sessions was the breakout discussion on the "Social Business Ecosystem in the Philippines." Here, Reichelle Carlos, Director of Institutional Partnerships at the Bayan Family of Foundations (BFF), took center stage to present the National Social Enterprise Development Roadmap. This roadmap, crafted by the Bayan Innovation Group and the Society for the Advancement of Professional Social Entrepreneurship with the support of BPI Foundation, is a strategic plan aimed at expanding the impact of Filipino social enterprises.

Reichelle wasn’t alone in this important conversation. She was joined by other influential voices in the social business community, including Orange Silverio, the innovative mind behind Tambanokano Aqua Farm and CEO of The PIN Method Media; Erwin Lizarondo, who is pioneering social business creation through the HEC-Social Business Creation initiative; and Christine Violago, who brings her expertise as the Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at Grameen Foundation. The session was skillfully moderated by Carlos Hechanova, Asia Co-Executive Director of Makesense, who guided the discussion with insight and enthusiasm.

Together, they painted a picture of a vibrant and growing social enterprise sector in the Philippines, one that is poised to tackle the country’s most pressing social and environmental issues. Their stories and strategies highlighted the power of collaboration and the importance of a supportive ecosystem in driving social change.

Moving Forward Together

The 14th Social Business Day was more than just a conference—it was a rallying call for all those who believe in the power of business to do good. The connections made, ideas exchanged, and strategies discussed are sure to inspire continued action long after the event has ended.

Participants left with a renewed sense of purpose and a shared commitment to advancing the social enterprise movement in the Philippines and beyond. The collective energy and passion in the room were a testament to the growing momentum behind this movement—a movement that is not just about creating better businesses but about building a better world.

As the curtains closed on this year’s event, there was a palpable sense of optimism and determination. The future may be uncertain, but with leaders like those who gathered in Manila, there’s hope that we can chart a course toward a more equitable and sustainable world.

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